Cape Plumbago
This is another photograph that I took today. It’s a picture of a cape plumbago bush in our yard. It is full of light blue flowers right now. It started blooming in July.
This plant is amazing, because it grows and thrives with so little water. I rarely water this plant, and it hasn’t rained here since February! Yet, it grows and blooms anyway. Maybe it gets some hydration from nearby plants that I do water.
Cape plumbago grows fast and needs regular trimming. It’s an incredibly resilient plant. I transplanted it once and didn’t get enough of its roots. After that transplant, it wilted and died back to the ground. But it regenerated a few months later.
Cape plumbago is frost sensitive. This bush died back again during freezing weather in January 2007. I thought it was dead then. But only a few months after the freeze, it started to grow back yet again.
September 06 2008 03:26 pm | Plumbago