Archive for the 'Cockscomb' Category

What’s Still Blooming in Our Garden



As the daylight hours dwindle in autumn, so do the blooms in our garden. But a few of our plants are still managing to put on a nice show of flowers. Some of our rose bushes are producing their last bloom of the year, including our black magic roses as shown in the first picture. I pruned off most of this season’s growth from this particular rose bush back in mid-August. In just two months, it grew back rapidly and produced another flush of flowers.

Last spring, we planted cockscomb flower seeds in a pot and in our raised bed vegetable garden. They grew better in the pot. It took them 5 months to grow to full size and begin to flower, which they began to do in September. They are still looking good and holding on to their red flowers (if you can call them flowers).

October 18 2009 | Cockscomb and Roses | Comments Off on What’s Still Blooming in Our Garden

Cockscomb Flowers

This photo is a picture of cockscomb plants (Celosia) that are growing in container in our yard.  Earlier this year, a friend sent us a pack of tiny cockscomb seeds that she harvested from her cockscomb plants last year. We planted them back in April, and they are now blooming.

These cockscombs have unusually shaped red flowers and reddish leaves.  Our plants only reached about 18 inches tall, probably because they are growing in a small container. But they have the potential to grow up to about 3 feet tall.  

We have been told that cockscombs can easily self-propagate and may soon be popping up all over the yard.  That’s part of the reason I decided to grow them in a container.  I think I can control where the seeds fall more easily this way.

September 22 2008 | Cockscomb | Comments Off on Cockscomb Flowers